Our guide to a happy, healthy holiday season

Here are 3 ways to prioritize your overall wellness during this busy time of year.

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We’re diving into ways to prioritize movement, wellness, and nutrition for a balanced and healthy holiday season.

Photo via Pexels

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…and the busiest.

Holiday to-dos are on the horizon — from travel and shopping to decorating and baking. If these seasonal chores are known to unleash your inner Scrooge, we’ve got you.

Here are a few ways to prioritize your mental + physical wellness for a healthier, happier holiday season.

🏃 Find fun (and festive) ways to move

Did you know Americans are five times more likely to report their stress level increases rather than decreases during the holidays?

We know exercise can help combat seasonal stress, so here are some ways to make time for mindful movement, get your blood flowing, and keep spirits high:

Stroll a holiday market

Register the family for a 5K

Enjoy seasonal activities

🦠 Prevent seasonal sickness

Travel, cold weather, and crowded gatherings may be inevitable this holiday season, but getting sick with a cold, the flu, or COVID-19 doesn’t have to be.

Here are some doctor-backed ways to avoid getting sick this season:

🦃 Health-ify your holiday meals

It can be hard to navigate healthy eating this time of year. ‘Tis the season for sweet treats and holiday feasts, after all.

In light of Thanksgiving right around the corner, here are a few ways you can take traditional holiday dishes to a healthier level:

With these tips, you can enjoy Turkey Day (and all the delicious upcoming holiday dinners) the healthier way.
Happy holidays, COLA.

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