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The conversations you want to have this year

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Happy New Year, Columbia. 🎉

We are so grateful to kick off this new year with you + for all of the possibilities 2021 holds. This year, a song by a local musician you’ve never heard before might become your new favorite, a really great restaurant might open right down the street from your place, and that new brewery you’ve been watching come together for months + months could finally open to the public.

Columbia | Photo by @2r.drones

As we prepare for a promising new year, we want to know what you want to read about each morning.

Are you trying to find out if your favorite festival is returning this year, or wondering about an upcoming development in town? Do you want to know where to get the best breakfast bagel? Is there a piece of Cola history you’ve always wanted to know about? What news gets you excited about opening our newsletter each morning?

The things you asked us last year were some of our favorite stories to cover. From business tours open to the public (pre-COVID) to the history of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, we had a blast answering your questions + learning more about our amazing city.

This year, to celebrate 2021, we thought we’d answer 21 of your questions. So share your questions here and stay tuned as we work to cover what you’re curious about + find some answers.
