The rare and stunning Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies (Hymenocallis coronaria) are in bloom in Cola’s rivers. The resilient aquatic flowering plants are found in only a few locations worldwide, including the Broad River and its confluence.
With all of the rain we’ve had recently, high water has kept them below the surface — only between 50% and 75% of the plants have flowers on them — but the lilies are expected to continue blooming for the next few weeks. These flowers face threats from habitat loss and being picked illegally, so help protect them by only taking photos and never picking the flowers.
You can see the Rocky Shoals Spider Lilies at several locations in SC, including Landsford Canal State Park, the Broad River in Columbia, and the Congaree River.
Try this — take a walk to Boyd Island and picnic under the new gazebo that resembles the rare Rocky Shoals Spider Lily.