Local architecture firm LS3P has teamed up with Hickory Top Farm — a 60-acre farm in Eastover — to design a master plan for the 501(c)3 nonprofit as part of LS3P’s pro bono program, Design In-Kind.
The establishment of Hickory Top Farm will provide new programs for people of all abilities, such as “In the Company of Horses,” a unique wellness program that helps people of all ages understand the value of awareness, slowing down, and being present in the moment. Additional programs include:
- Therapeutic horsemanship
- Literacy and Horse — which empowers readers to discover their voice and gain confidence as they engage with their audience: a horse.
LS3P’s plan includes renovations + potential new facilities. Since its founding, LS3P has been committed to pro bono work for a broad range of community partners, ranging in scale from small-scale signage to large affordable housing developments, with each organization in need of design assistance to further their missions.