The Old Mill Pond in Lexington will be refilled after eight years

Word on the boardwalk is that the town of Lexington will also build a walking trail encircling the pond, adding bridges and boardwalks.

Old Mill Pond Trail

Project access and laydown exhibit of the Old Mill Pond before the trail is built. | Image via The Town of Lexington’s Old Mill Pond Trail document

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After eight years, Lexington’s Old Mill Pond’s dam has been rebuilt + the pond will soon be refilled for the first time since the 2015 floods.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control’s (SCDHEC) final inspection is pending before the pond is refilled. Once complete, the town of Lexington will build a walking trail encircling the pond, adding bridges and boardwalks.

The trail’s details

The trail will be accessible to the public from various access points, and the town plans to spend $3 million on the project. It will be a little over a mile long and will include bridges, overlooks, seating, lighting, and surveillance cameras.

The dam will also produce hydropower to partly power Hazelwood Brewing Company and the trail’s lights.

The town will fill the pond again once about 75% of the work is completed. The project is expected to take about nine-10 months, with the trail set to be finished by next spring.

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