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Asked: Which Cola restaurant holds the most nostalgia for you?

We want to know — if you moved away (or maybe we did move away) and you think about which restaurant or meal would spark nostalgia the most, which would it be?

The whig.png

I’m not crying, you’re crying over The Whig’s chicken sandwich. | Photo by COLAtoday team

City Editor Sam here — a few days ago, I had a friend in town who recently moved away. As she was visiting, we were trying to figure out which restaurant to chow down at, and I said, “Well since you don’t live here + I can have whatever Cola meal I want, whenever I want it, you choose our lunch spot.” And that got me thinking about what our readers would say if faced with the same question.

To make this more inclusive, we’ll throw in restaurants that have closed. Personally, I think I’d choose a No Name Deli soup or The Whig’s fried chicken sandwich.

Ok, your turn. Which Cola meal, restaurant, or food item would fill you with the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia? Let us know and we may feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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