Plan your next trip with nonstop flights from Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Pack your bags for a trip to one of these popular nonstop destinations. Plus, keep an eye out for new routes.

The jet engine of a plane on an airfield.

Take a trip to your favorite destination — or go somewhere you’ve never seen. | Photo via Pexels

It’s never too late to plan your next vacation. With nonstop flights to nine cities departing from Columbia Metropolitan Airport, there are plenty of ways to cure your travel bug. Here are some popular nonstop destinations offered from CAE:

Current destinations

  • Atlanta, GA | Delta
  • Charlotte, NC | American
  • Chicago, IL | United
  • Dallas/Fort Worth, TX | American
  • New York, NY | American, Delta
  • Philadelphia, PA | American
  • Washington, DC | American, United

Seasonal destinations

  • Miami, FL | American (June 3 through August 12)

Upcoming destinations

  • Chicago, IL | American (starts July 2023)

Pro tip: Travel through Columbia Metropolitan Airport like an expert with our airport guide.

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