An adolescent gynecologist not only provides important medical care, but is also an advocate for a teenager’s health and well-being.
With special training in addressing teen health, adolescent gynecologists can help your daughter:
Be prepared and educated
Most gynecologic visits with teens are primarily a conversation and don’t include a pelvic exam. In addition to learning about birth control, safe sex, and healthy relationships, girls can also privately ask questions. Pro tip: Here’s what to expect during a first visit.
Get menstrual questions answered
OB/GYNs can answer questions and discuss norms regarding menstrual cycles, including irregular, heavy, or painful cycles, and more.
Benefit from establishing an OB/GYN relationship early
OB/GYNs are champions for women’s health. That means your teen establishes a relationship with someone who promotes positive body image and physical + emotional health — the first step in lifelong gynecological care.
Learn more + schedule an appointment.