Meet Moe, a magnificent Staghorn Fern with a history spanning over 35 years. Originally at B.B. Barns Garden Center (previously known as Woodley’s), Moe has been a favorite among plant enthusiasts for decades. Moe now has a new home in Historic Columbia’s Boyd Horticultural Center on the northwest section of the Hampton-Preston Mansion grounds.
Moe’s distinct appearance is characterized by its shield fronds, which evolve from green to layered, papery structures. Beneath the antler-like fronds, you’ll find brown patches, which are Moe’s spores, ready to give life to future ferns.
Fun fact: The bluish tint on the fronds comes from its trichomes, which play a crucial role in moisture retention.
For those eager to witness Moe’s splendor, the grounds are open for strolling at the Hampton Preston Mansion where you’ll be able to take a peek at the Platycerium bifurcate.