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💪 Here are 3 ways we’re staying active this year

We’re rounding up local ways to get moving in 2024.

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Move mindfully in 2024 by trying one of these local activities.

Photo by @risecolasc

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New year, same you, better habits. Looking to incorporate more movement into your routine this year? There are many benefits of regular exercise, from increased energy levels to a better mood and more.

The best way to stay consistent: finding something you enjoy doing. Identifying an activity that’s genuinely fun for you can shift your mindset from it being something you “have to do” to being something you are excited to do. (This will make it easier to plan + stick with your routine.)

Pro tip: The overall goal is movement. It’s not about having a rigorous workout routine — it’s about moving mindfully, being kind to yourself + your body, and having fun.

Here are a few ways to get started:

🏔️ Get outdoors

There’s a host of benefits to spending time outside, getting more grounded, and reigniting our connection with nature. Grab your walking (or running — if you’re feeling up to it) shoes, your bike, maybe even your roller blades, and head to the West Columbia Riverwalk, Congaree National Park, or one of these hiking spots or local parks. Temps too low to get outside? Keep reading.

🧘 Find your zen

Explore the mind-body connection by taking a yoga class at Studio Fire, Fit Columbia, or another local studio. Yoga is a great way to work on strength and balance, and it’s not a stretch to say it’s a proven way to relieve stress and stay mentally healthy.

👟 Bring the gym to you

Don’t have time to head out? Enter: An online at-home workout platform like Pvolve. At-home workouts are a great way to stay consistent, and Pvolve has a variety of low-impact workouts to help tone, strengthen, and sculpt.

Here’s to finding ways to move that feel good in 2024, Cola. Just remember, we think you’re doing great.


What’s your favorite way to stay active? Let us know.

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